Numerous optimisations to DataComposer now enable certain data processing operations to be divided by 5O. And that’s not all!
[Analyst/Expert] Merge module: merge all input entities
The Fusion module now lets you easily merge isochrones into a single zone for filtering.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer module: simplify your queries using third-party modules
In the DataComposer module of the flowchart, you can now dynamically vary the selection according to inclusion criteria in geometries from third-party modules.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: end of Beta version
The latest DataComposer updates have signalled the end of the Beta version. From now on, take advantage of a stabilised, high-performance version for your large data volumes. Don’t hesitate to send us your ideas for improvements, as the end of the Beta version does not mean the end of developments for this data preparation tool.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: discretisation
To help you save calculation time and increase data volume, new features continue to be added to DataComposer. This update includes an essential transformation: Discretisation.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: integrated input help for free SQL queries
To help you write your free SQL queries even faster in DataComposer, discover the integrated input help. Bring up the wizard by clicking on the « + » button at the bottom right of the query field or press the « CTRL » + « space » keys simultaneously.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: import your data from a MySQL database
In addition to PostgreSQL databases, you can now import and update your data directly from your MySQL database thanks to our new dedicated connector.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: free SQL queries, continued
You can now preview your data when you modify your free SQL query. Please note: the preview query is performed in the current state of the DataComposition, so it may differ from the final result after the sequence has been rerun.
[Administrator] DataComposer: managing the Postgres CommandTimeout
From your administration interface, you can now manage the Postgres CommandTimeout.
From your administration interface, you can manage the maximum size limit of a table.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: create a new table from a free SQL query
DataComposer continues to evolve. With this update, you’ll be able to create a table using an SQL query that respects PostgreSQL/PostGIS functions, and preview the data to be imported.
[Analyst/Expert] Articque Data Market modules, update of the SIRENE v.4 database
Caution: the latest update of INSEE data in the SIRENE v.4 database may lead to changes in your projects. Certain data are no longer publicly available and appear in ND in the tables. They mainly concern micro-businesses and self-employed businesses.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: end of limitations for SQL queries
Following your feedback, it is now possible to write SQL queries using all PostgreSQL/PostGIS syntax in the « filter » and « calculation » modules of a table in DataComposer.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: distance matrices
DataComposer now allows you to build a distance matrix as the crow flies, from a column of starting geometries and a column of ending geometries.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: Flying distance access area
A new geomarketing transformation to process large volumes from DataComposer: the flying distance access area.
[Analyst / Expert] Geolocation cache in DataComposer
Geolocations made from DataComposer are now cached to avoid recalculating them later. It is also possible to empty this cache directly from your DataComposition. If you change an address or add new ones, the system first checks the cache for their presence and updates them if necessary.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: new icons
To make DataComposer’s interface even clearer, new icons have been integrated. From the next version, you will also be able to benefit from new geomarketing features. Stay tuned…
Do you have any suggestions for improvements to DataComposer? Don’t hesitate to give us your feedback by clicking on the « Give us your opinion » link from your DataComposition.
The 8.0.9975 version brings the following improvements:
In the DataComposer module, it is now possible to dynamically vary the selection according to criteria of identical values in data from third-party modules, whether these values are continuous or qualitative.
The module accepts several inputs.
If a parent module exists, the module can create a new dataspace or add data to a dataspace that has already been created.
It is also possible to choose the geometry to be filtered when several geometries are available as input.
When you tick the ‘Dynamic’ box, the filter is based on all the data in the selected column.
In the advanced tab, an input help interface for dynamic filters has been introduced.
[Analyst / Expert] Productivity gains for qualitative filters
This was one of your requests: the qualitative filters in DataComposer and the Pole Selection or ADM modules now allow you to enter a list of terms separated by a semicolon. For example: do you want to filter ADM data on numerous sub-class codes without having to select them one by one? All you have to do is prepare your list by separating the items with a « ; », then paste them into the field provided in the module for them to be taken into account. An essential productivity boost!
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: find discretised columns more easily
When discretising in DataComposer, you can now take advantage of a column name suggestion based on the discretised data.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: cancel SQL queries
DataComposer now lets you undo the execution of an SQL query.
To speed up calculation times in DataComposer, transformations adding columns of data have been optimised.
[Analyst/Expert/Explorer] Symfony 5 update
To provide you with the best possible service, we’re continuing to optimise Cartes & Données Online by updating the application’s various frameworks. Symfony has now been upgraded to version 5, which simplifies the sending of emails and makes Cartes & Données even more secure.
[Analyst/Expert] Carticque Monde 2023
The Carticque Monde has been updated and is now available in its 2023 version.
[Analyst / Expert] Datacomposer: harmonisation of interfaces
Datacomposer is still evolving and now offers you a simplified reading of the various transformation stages in distance matrices, calculations, filters, etc.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: simplified access to help for free SQL queries
To give you quicker and easier access to help when you write a free SQL query in DataComposer, a link is now available to the left of the query field.
You can also access help more quickly from the query entry wizard.
[Analyst/Expert] Project Packages with DataCompositions
DataCompositions integrated into a project are now saved with the packages created.
DataComposer’s « Calculation » transformation has been modified to improve performance.
[Analyst/Expert] Road repositories
The France, Europe and World road reference systems have been updated and are now available.
[Analyst / Expert] Legal notices
Legal notices are now available on maps.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer Help
Easier access to dedicated help for each transformation in DataComposer.
[Analyst/Expert/Administrator] Gateway for WMS/WMTS flows
WMS and WMTS flows now support an infrastructure with a gateway.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: cancellation of transformations in progress
It is now possible to cancel a transformation in progress.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: table size limit
Tables created with DataComposer are limited in size to your available space quota.
[Analyst/Expert/Administrator] Gateway: geolocation and Articque Data Market imports into DataComposer
Geolocation and Articque Data Market import now support an infrastructure with a gateway.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: navigating the different pages of a table
In order to simplify and speed up your navigation through the pages of a DataComposer table, you can now enter the number of the targeted page to access it directly.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: Articque Data Market module
Items selected when filtering on a column now appear at the top of the list, as they already do in the flowchart.
[Analyst/Expert] Modification of the DataComposer icon
In order to harmonise all DataComposer-related elements, the colour and icon of the functionality have been modified.
[Analyst/Expert] File explorer
To save you precious time, recent DataCompositions can now be accessed from the home page of your file explorer.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: handling spaces in column names
In order to avoid typing and copy/paste errors, spaces before and after column names as well as doubled spaces are automatically trimed after a data import, a column creation or an edition.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: Geometry type detection mode in memberships
New evolution of DataComposer: the geometry type detection mode in the membership transformation is more efficient and reliable.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: simplification of drop-down menus
In order to save you precious time, you can now filter the name you want to select in the drop-down menus of the forms.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: adding the INSEE commune code in geolocations
Following your feedback on DataComposer, we have added the INSEE code column for communes in the geolocations table.
[Analyst/Expert/Administrator] Groups
A user can no longer leave a group if he/she still has documents in it. A message is displayed to the user indicating the number of documents he/she has in the group so that he/she can transfer ownership to another user.
When an administrator deletes a user from a group, all the documents of this user are deactivated. They will be reactivated automatically if the same user re-enters the group.
In order to refine your calculations, you have access to different criteria such as the percentage of contained surface.
DataComposer also allows you to perform multiple memberships in order to analyse territories included in several zones.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: replace empty values in a calculation with zero
It was one of your suggestions, here it is integrated in Maps and Data: DataComposer now allows you to perform a calculation by replacing empty values with zero if you wish.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: simplifying and clarifying actions
1/ In order to make your use of DataComposer more fluid, it is now possible to close your transformation editing windows by clicking on a button located near the title.
2/ In the same way, to avoid confusion with the different actions of the navigation ribbon, the button dedicated to the deletion of an operation sequence has been moved above it.
3/ Finally, in order to avoid any confusion, the inoperative transformation buttons are now greyed out in tables that do not contain geometries.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: geolocation
The geolocation cache is now preserved when importing, exporting and copying and pasting a DataComposition.
[Expert] Atlas: added an « error » status when generation progress is blocked
To avoid being stuck on « generation in progress » indefinitely, the generation of atlases will be set to « error » status after too long a wait without progress.
[Analyst / Expert] Cartiques: France admin and iris updated
The carticques France admin and France iris have been updated to version 2023.
[Analyst / Expert] DataComposer: Groupings
Empty and invalid values can be used in grouping and breakdown.
Null or invalid values in input can be considered as zeros in mathematical operations.
To simplify the reading and understanding of your tables, the name of the split columns includes the type of operation.
[Analyst / Expert] Discretisation module: end of Jenks’ method blockages
The errors that occur when processing large volumes are resolved and allow you to take even greater advantage of Jenks’ natural threshold classifications.
A checkbox is now provided to treat invalid input data as zeros.
Fixed issues
The 8.0.9975 version fixes the following issues:
File Explorer: Following an update, temporary files generated by the application when uploading a client file could no longer be cleaned up.
Wizard: A wizard package containing DataCompositions was not functional after upload (a « DataComposition not found » message appeared).
Workflow: A flowchart package using several datacompositions could not be re-imported.
File explorer: A warning message appeared when deleting a DataComposition if a flowchart that used it was in the recycle bin.
Workflow: Problem re-importing a flowchart package using several DataCompositions.
DataComposer: various display bugs in the SQL query editor.
DataComposer: it was impossible to reset certain optional fields in a transformation to zero, such as the address 2 field in a geolocation or the breakdown column in a grouping.
Atlas: some images could no longer be displayed normally in a public Atlas for visitors who were not logged in.
Flowchart: the « layers » tab reappears each time the flowchart is run, even after it has been hidden.
DataComposer: values of type « Integer » were considered as « discrete » and prevented them from being taken into account as continuous data.
Project: The « Belonging » module could sometimes slow down the opening or execution of projects.
Project DataSpace: an empty white data table could sometimes appear in the dedicated DataSpace after a linked module had been deleted.
Manual Sectorisation module: columns could sometimes appear twice.
DataComposer: geolocation could return an error if the identifier contained special characters such as « , ‘ or .
DataComposer: an ‘Invalid Response’ message appeared in various circumstances instead of a more specific error message.
[Administrator] DataComposer: when configuring the SQL request timeout, the value 0 (unlimited) was not taken into account.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: a problem with columns in a join failing when renamed has been fixed.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: downloading a DataComposition named with a slash (or backslash) failed.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: null values were not taken into account when importing a geojson file.
[Expert] DataComposer and Atlas: transferring an atlas containing a DataComposition to another platform failed.
[Analyst/Expert] Symbol module: colour settings were lost when quality dates were used.
[Analyst/Expert] Geolocation: a line break on certain identifier names could prevent latitude/longitude coordinates from being displayed.
[Analyst/Expert/Explorateur] Groups: when you were invited to a group with a link provided in advance (by email or other means outside the solution), clicking on the link without having first accepted the invitation took you to a blank page.
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer: when creating DataCompositions, a problem occurred when more than 2 GB of disk space was used.
[Explorateur] Wizards Explorer: wizards using a DataComposition were unreadable.
[Analyst/Expert] Fill module: a pixel shift occurred on fill layers when more than one layer was represented.
[Analyst/Expert] Symbols module legend: formatting with a thousands separator was not effective when custom values were entered.
[Analyst/Expert] File uploads: it is now possible to upload files larger than 2GB (within the limit of your available disk space).
[Analyst/Expert] DataComposer : DataComposition status or error messages were displayed unnecessarily after the DataComposition had been emptied.
Matrix columns: a bug prevented the matrix from working when the xls/xlsx file did not start on line 1.
Fill module: when it didn’t have a name, the fill in web view behaved differently to the page layout.
Symbols module: a problem with certain images disappearing from the map has been corrected.
DataComposer: you can now download the CSV of a dataspace whose name is a number (for example, a year).
DataComposer: a problem prevented the geolocation cache from being taken into account when the ‘address 2’ field was filled in the dedicated form.
ODBC driver: ODBC connection errors to PostgreSQL have been fixed.
ODBC Connector: the block preventing ODBC connections to MongoDB has been fixed.
DataComposer: when grouping, the breakdown by date or number is now functional.
Custom background map module: in some situations, the navigation ribbon was greyed out and the tile chosen when setting up the module remained displayed in the viewing window.
Lack of filling on some territories after merging: problem when there were commas in the names of entities.
Atlas: the generation could fail when an atlas was consulted during its generation.
DataComposer: a duplicate table name problem returned an error at runtime.
Articque Data Market module: an error requiring a reload of the project sometimes occurred when the response time of the data server was too long.
What's new in version 8.0.11813: To speed up the deployment of Atlas copies, you can now download the generated maps in addition to the configuration and sources.
What's new in version 8.0.11339: To make it easier for your visitors to navigate through your Atlas, you can now add an image for each of your themes independently.
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